Wednesday, 30 March 2016

BN Living: The Chidieberes’ Baby & Maternity Shoot is Our Sweet Spot Today!


ccphottography chidiebere family photoshoot bella naija march 2016_IMG_0203These adorable pictures of the Chidieberes‘ and their daughter will make your heart smile today.
Both Chioma Chidiebere and her husband are both photographers ofCcphottographyy, they decided to take ‘selfies’ to capture themselves and later on photos of their baby, when beautiful Tata Chisomeje Chidiebere arrived.
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ccphottography chidiebere family photoshoot bella naija march 2016_IMG_0217ccphottography chidiebere family photoshoot bella naija march 2016_IMG_0216ccphottography chidiebere family photoshoot bella naija march 2016_IMG_0238ccphottography chidiebere family photoshoot bella naija march 2016_IMG_0240ccphottography chidiebere family photoshoot bella naija march 2016_IMG_0241ccphottography chidiebere family photoshoot bella naija march 2016_IMG_0243
Credits: Ccphottoghraphy | @ccphottoghraphy